Signs Your "Woke Bae" Might Not Be So Woke After All

So you've finally met someone who seems to be on the same page as you when it comes to social issues and equality. But before you start planning your future together, it might be worth taking a closer look. Pay attention to how they talk about certain topics and their actions. Are there any red flags that make you question just how woke they really are? It's important to have these conversations early on to avoid any potential misunderstandings or disappointments down the line. For more tips on navigating the dating world, check out this resource for valuable insights.

In today's society, being "woke" has become a desirable trait in a partner. We all want to date someone who is socially aware, progressive, and willing to challenge the status quo. However, not everyone who claims to be woke actually lives up to the title. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating might not be the woke bae he thinks he is.

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1. He dismisses your experiences

One of the first signs that your partner might not be as woke as he claims is if he dismisses or belittles your experiences. Whether it's related to race, gender, or sexuality, if he fails to acknowledge and validate your lived experiences, it's a red flag.

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2. He doesn't listen

A truly woke partner should be a good listener. If your guy is constantly talking over you or ignoring your perspective, it's a sign that he's not as open-minded as he claims to be.

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3. He only engages in performative activism

Performative activism is when someone only engages in social justice causes for the sake of appearance. If your partner only posts about important issues on social media but doesn't take real action or educate himself, he might not be as woke as he claims.

4. He lacks empathy

Empathy is a crucial trait for someone who claims to be socially aware. If your partner struggles to empathize with others' experiences and perspectives, he might not be as woke as he thinks.

5. He makes offensive jokes

A truly woke partner should understand the impact of their words and avoid making offensive jokes. If your guy consistently makes jokes that are hurtful or inappropriate, it's a sign that he's not as socially aware as he claims.

6. He's defensive when called out

When someone is truly woke, they should be open to learning and growing. If your partner becomes defensive or dismissive when called out on problematic behavior, it's a sign that he's not as open-minded as he claims to be.

7. He only surrounds himself with people who look like him

If your partner's social circle is homogeneous and lacks diversity, it's a sign that he might not be as open to different perspectives as he claims.

8. He's ignorant about privilege

Being woke means understanding privilege and using it to uplift marginalized voices. If your partner is ignorant about his privilege or fails to acknowledge it, he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

9. He doesn't support your activism

A truly woke partner should be supportive of your activism and social justice work. If your guy is unsupportive or dismissive of your passions, it's a sign that he might not be as woke as he claims.

10. He's resistant to learning

Part of being woke is being open to learning and unlearning. If your partner is resistant to new information or refuses to educate himself, it's a sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

11. He's unwilling to challenge his own biases

Being woke means being willing to challenge your own biases and preconceptions. If your partner is unwilling to do this, it's a sign that he might not be as open-minded as he claims.

12. He's not intersectional in his feminism

A truly woke partner should understand the importance of intersectionality in feminism. If your guy's feminism is limited to just one aspect of identity, it's a sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

13. He tokenizes marginalized people

Tokenism is when someone only engages with marginalized individuals for the sake of diversity. If your partner tokenizes people based on their identity, it's a sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

14. He's performative in his allyship

Performative allyship is when someone only claims to be an ally for the sake of appearance. If your partner only engages in allyship for the sake of looking good, it's a sign that he might not be as socially aware as he claims.

15. He gaslights you

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where someone denies your reality and makes you doubt your own experiences. If your partner gaslights you, it's a sign that he's not as empathetic or socially aware as he claims.

In conclusion, being woke is more than just a label – it's a commitment to social justice, empathy, and continuous learning. If your partner exhibits any of these signs, it might be time to reevaluate whether he's truly the woke bae he claims to be. Remember, you deserve a partner who is genuinely supportive, empathetic, and socially aware.